Friday, October 30, 2009

Family History Friday (FHF): You Can Do it!

This is a research log. It is one of my favorite forms for family history/ genealogy. Of course a lot of people prefer the computer for research and organizing, but we all have some paper. Be it a file of papers that aunt so-and-so gave us, or a box that sat in your parent's attic, we all end up doing some research that involves paper. I found a lot of very relevant information in books and other sources that I ended up wanting a paper copy of. And it's easier to have one sheet of paper (research log) as we do our research than just your lap top or a little tiny piece of paper that will get lost. You'll end up looking at the same source again and again saying to yourself, "I think I've seen this before." What I'm trying to say is that I use both the computer and paper. I have, and use, a computer program for organizing, as well as a small file and a history book of each family with all the information that myself or others have found that pertains to that family. In the front of each of these books is all the research logs used during the research for that particular family. That way when you're ready to do some more research you know already where you've looked before. You put the name of the family that you are researching on the top and fill in the rest. This form can be found at the Family Search site I gave you that link for last week. Here it is again. I love my ancesters more and more, when I spent time finding them and finding out about them. Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

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